Bunny in a Hat Magic Database Help Bunny in a Hat

Add Author/Magician

This screen lets you add people to the database that will be considered authors, magicians, or creators. It should get infrequent use, as we've tried to include many Authors and Magicians in the database.

There is a list box on this screen that allows you to scroll through all the people currently in the database, so you can see who has already been entered.

Fields on the Add Author/Magician Screen.

Last Name

The person's Last Name. (Max: 30 Characters.) Note: A last name MUST be entered. If a person goes by only one name (e.g. Darryl) you must enter that name in the "Last Name" field. Better still, enter that person's real name in the "Last Name," and "First Name" fields.

First Name

The person's first name (and middle initial if desired.(Max 20 characters.)

Buttons on the Add Author/Magician Screen


You may exit this screen by clicking the "Close" button. Note: If any data has been entered, you will get a warning that there is data that has not been saved. See: Close Options.


Saves the information on the screen to the database. If you have not entered data in the


Clears all data entered on the screen.

Items on the Windows Menu